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expressing your emotions; emotions dictionary

Expressing Your Emotions with Words: Your Emotions Dictionary

Emotions are a natural, essential part of being human. Everything we do and experience leads to an emotional response. Emotions are messy, complex, and can be rather confusing. Understanding your emotions is an absolutely necessary component of emotional intelligence. It’s also important to understand how to express your emotions. But expressing your emotions with words isn’t as easy as it sounds. At least not for a lot of us. Why is that? Vocabulary. Expressing your emotions Although emotional expression is not limited to verbal language, it’s certainly one of the most common methods. Being able to express your emotions using words requires a very specific skillset: understanding emotions in oneself. Before we can effectively communicate how we’re feeling, we must first understand our emotions. One of the key components to understanding emotions is being able to label them. People who can label their emotions with a high degree of specificity can more easily regulate their emotions. This also means they are less likely to participate in unhealthy behaviors, such as aggression. Labeling our emotions requires developing an emotions vocabulary. You’ve got to know the words in order to use them. Before we go into a list of emotions, let’s first review a couple different ways to categorize or organize emotions. Emotion organization Categorizing emotions need not be a big deal, but let me explain why it can be helpful for vocabulary development. When we review a long list of words in alphabetical order, for example, it can be difficult to sift through and pick out the best word to use in a specific situation. If, instead, the words are grouped together by category, it can help us to narrow down our options. Having words grouped together by varying categories can be helpful as our question or context changes. Let’s use food as an example. Perhaps we’re interested in our fruit options. Skimming a long list of foods in alphabetical order could be daunting. However, if the list is instead organized by meat and fish, dairy, fruit, vegetables, and grains, it suddenly becomes much easier. Now all we have to do

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Going no contact

No, Going No Contact with Parents Is Not Selfish

People who go no contact with parents are ridiculed on a regular basis. Some of the things we hear is we took the easy way out. We’re called selfish and mean. Some even say we’re brainwashed. I won’t pretend there aren’t some people who use going no contact as part of an immature stunt. But

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My story; becky grelle

My Story – Creating Growing Emotions

I’m old enough that when I was in high school, there weren’t many classes offered that fell outside of the standard curriculum. Fortunately for me, my school offered a psychology course. I had some struggles with the teacher, which I came to understand later in life, but really I owe her and her class a

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lgbtq families

LGBTQ Families

The term family has historically most often referred to two parents, a mother and a father, and one or more children. For some people, this dynamic is important and perhaps even the moral way of living. But this is certainly not true for all people or all families. In fact, for many of us, the

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self-esteem; healthy self-esteem


Would you be surprised to learn that an estimated 85% of people worldwide have low self-esteem? That includes adolescents and adults. That’s an alarming amount, and yet it’s likely that you reading this article have a low self-esteem or have had one in the past. If so, you’re clearly not alone. More importantly, this is

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the power of affirmations; positive affirmations; confidence; security

The Power of Affirmations

We use affirmations all day every day. We typically use them on a subconscious level. We’re not even aware we’re using them. And we’re certainly not aware of the impact they have on us.

But what does affirmations mean? What is the power of affirmations?

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benefits of hugs; hugs heal

5 Powerful Benefits of Hugs

We hug for many reasons. But did you know there are many powerful benefits of hugs? In fact, hugs heal! Read on to learn 5 ways hugging is good for you.

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4 steps to ask for help; ask for support; need help

4 Steps to Ask for Help

Asking for help can be a challenge for many of us. This is especially true for parents and caregivers. Read on to learn the 4 steps to ask for help.

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