About Growing Emotions
Growing Emotions is your online resource for courses and products designed to support your path to a healthy well-being.
At Growing Emotions, we believe that emotional well-being is the foundation for all healthy endeavors. Social-emotional well-being impacts not only our individual well-being but also the well-being of our community at large. In our view, it’s through compassion and empathy that we can create positive change worldwide. To that end, it’s our focus area here at Growing Emotions.
In order to best support people’s well-being, we strongly believe that individuals should have access to education and resources that support and encourage emotional literacy and well-being. We aim to provide educational resources and information that are research-based while recognizing cultural and individual differences exist. Our material is designed to facilitate the learning process and promote overall well-being.
To empower individuals to support their emotional literacy and well-being.
Imagine a world filled with people spreading empathy, compassion, kindness, and love to themselves and others. Supporting people capable of doing just that is our commitment.
I can support you in achieving healthier well-being. Together we will overcome what once felt impossible.

I am a wife and the mother of one human child and two furry children. I enjoy paint-by-number, am an avid reader, and love playing games with my kiddo, watching movies, and spending time in our garden.
I can help you with:
We must focus on our own personal health and well-being, for only then may we impart well-being on the world.

becky grelle
Certifications, Degrees, and Experience
I was an Operations Manager in my former life which provided extensive business experience. I have created, developed, and administered training programs for adults throughout my career.
After over 15 years working in the business sector, I embraced my passion for psychology by starting over. I have since worked in support of human development in some form or another for more than a decade.
Certified Family Life Educator, CFLE-P
Certified Instructor
I am a certified instructor with Roots of Empathy, an international school-based program which fosters social and emotional competence in children.
Positive Psychology Coach
I have completed the Positive Psychology program, a science- and practice-based curriculum.
Master of Arts in Family and Child Studies, MA
I earned a Master’s in Family and Child Studies at the University of New Mexico (UNM) where I focused on human development, social-emotional development, prosocial behaviors, and family life education.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, BA
I earned a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a double minor in Women’s Studies and Family Studies at the University of New Mexico (UNM).
Change Starts with a Single Step
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