Growing Emotions: your well-being resource

You Can Overcome Your Anger

Life throws stress at us in so many unexpected ways it can make us feel out of control. Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted is all too common in today’s world. It’s no wonder so many of us struggle with anger. I’m here to help!

What Are You Struggling With?

Sometimes our struggles make us feel alone and helpless. We can begin to feel like a shell of who we once were. We may feel lost and have no idea how, or even if, we can find our way out.

Unbalanced & Out of Control

Do you feel like a participant in your own life? As though life is merely happening TO you?

Anger Management

Are you overwhlemed by anxiety, anger, or sadness? Do you find yourself yelling too often?

Self-Esteem & Confidence

Do you struggle to like yourself? Or feel like you can’t get anything right? Or maybe a shell of the person you want to be?


Are your relationships full of conflict? Are you struggling to connect with family, friends, or your children?

Gain Control of Your Well-Being and Live the Life You Deserve!

There is a path to a healthier you. And guess what. Not only is it within your control, it’s within your reach.


Reduce Anxiety & Stress

Build emotional regulation skills to help you manage stress when it comes and live a calmer, happier life.


Gain Confidence & Self-Esteem

Tap into your authentic self and learn to love who you are, doing so with unapologetic confidence.


Improve Relationships

Improve your relationship with yourself and your relationship with others will improve in turn.


Find Your New, Healthier You


I can support you in achieving healthier well-being. Together we will overcome what once felt impossible.

Like so many, I come from a family rooted in generational trauma. After undergoing in vitro fertilization to achieve pregnancy and navigating the challenges of self-healing as a new mother, I realized it’s just as important to tend to one’s own emotional well-being as it is to their child’s. And so Growing Emotions was born.

I am a wife and the mother of one human child and two furry children. I enjoy paint-by-number, am an avid reader, and love playing games with my kiddo, watching movies, and spending time in our garden.

“We must focus on our own personal health and well-being, for only then may we impart well-being on the world.”

becky grelle

Preregister for my Free Intro to Anger Management Course

Why Growing Emotions?

At Growing Emotions, I believe that emotional well-being is the foundation for all healthy endeavors. Social-emotional well-being impacts not only our individual well-being but also the well-being of our community at large. In my view, it’s through compassion and empathy that we can create positive change worldwide. To that end, it’s my focus area here at Growing Emotions.

In order to best support people’s well-being, I strongly believe that individuals should have access to education and resources that support and encourage emotional literacy and well-being. I aim to provide educational resources and information that are research-based while recognizing cultural and individual differences exist. My material is designed to facilitate the learning process and promote overall well-being.


It’s through compassion and empathy that we can creative positive change worldwide. That includes compassion and empathy toward self.


I take a strengths-based approach in all things. That means I seek out the strengths that each individual holds and build on them!


I recognize that none of us exists alone. An individual’s growth and healing impacts not only their own community, but the entire world. All individuals influence each other’s behavior.


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lgbtq families

LGBTQ Families

The term family has historically most often referred to two parents, a mother and a father, and one or more


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